Anne Osterman was recently appointed Interim Dean of the University Libraries and University Librarian, replacing John Zenelis who served in the position for more than 20 years.

"I thank John for his dedicated service to our university and his many consequential contributions. He soon will join me in the Office of the Provost to work on several special projects important for the future of our university," Provost Mark Ginsberg said.
Osterman has been both a member of the Mason Administrative Faculty since Director of the Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) since 2015. VIVA is a statewide program in Virginia that serves as the consortium of 71 nonprofit public and private academic libraries in the Commonwealth. Prior to her appointment at Mason, Osterman had served as a faculty member and librarian at American University, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and Western Piedmont (NC) Community College. She also currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors of COUNTER, an international non-profit organization that provides the standards for the use of electronic resources by libraries. Genya O’Gara, current VIVA Deputy Director, will serve as the Acting Director of VIVA.