Leadership Teams
Mason FACTs Executive Leadership Team
- College of Education and Human Development: Martin Ford, Senior Associate Dean (mford@gmu.edu)
- College of Public Health: TBD
- College of Visual and Performing Arts: Rick Davis, Dean (rdavi4@gmu.edu)
- Communications and Marketing: TBD
- Faculty Affairs and Development: Kim Eby, Vice Provost (keby1@gmu.edu)
- Faculty Senate: Melissa Broeckelman-Post, Chair (mbroecke@gmu.edu)
- Human Resources and Payroll: Lester Arnold, Vice President (llarnold@gmu.edu)
- Information Technology Services: Charlie Spann, Deputy CIO (cspann2@gmu.edu)
- Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning: Gesele Durham, Associate Provost (gedurham@gmu.edu)
- Office of the Provost: Renate Guilford, Associate Provost (rguilfor@gmu.edu)
RPT Leadership Team
Subject Matter Expert (SME) Team:
- Antonin Scalia Law School: Alison Price, Senior Associate Dean (aprice1@gmu.edu)
- College of Education and Human Development: Debbie Sprague, Associate Professor (dspragu1@gmu.edu)
- College of Engineering and Computing: Ariela Sofer, Associate Dean (asofer@gmu.edu)
- College of Public Health: Cathy Tompkins, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs (ctompkin@gmu.edu)
- College of Humanities and Social Sciences: Jenna McGwin, Associate Director for Operations and Initiatives (jmcgwin@gmu.edu)
- College of Science: Cody Edwards, Associate Professor/Associate Provost (cedward7@gmu.edu)
- College of Visual and Performing Arts: Kristen Johnsen-Neshati, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs & International Programs (kneshati@gmu.edu)
- College of Visual and Performing Arts: Thomas Britt, Professor, Film and Video Studies (tbritt@gmu.edu)
- Faculty Affairs and Development: Kim Eby, Vice Provost (keby1@gmu.edu)
- Honors College: Andy Hoefer, Assistant Dean (ahoefer@gmu.edu)
- INTO Mason: Steven A. Harris-Scott, Assistant Director (sscott4@gmu.edu)
- Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution: Susan Hirsch, Professor (shirsch4@gmu.edu)
- Mason Korea: Shannon Davis, Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs (sdaviso@gmu.edu)
- Office of the Provost: Kim Ford, Director of Academic Personnel Management (kford3@gmu.edu)
- Schar School of Policy and Government: Chris Anclien, Director of Human Resources (canclien@gmu.edu)
- Schar School of Policy and Government: Ming Wan, Associate Dean (mwan@gmu.edu)
- Costello College of Business: Cheryl Druehl, Associate Dean (cdruehl@gmu.edu)
- University Libraries: Carl Leak, Life Sciences Librarian (cleak@gmu.edu)
Administrator Working Group:
- Antonin Scalia Law School: David Hull, Director of Academic Administration (dhull4@gmu.edu)
- College of Education and Human Development: Laurie Juliana, Evaluation Coordinator (ljulian1@gmu.edu)
- College of Engineering and Computing: Lizzie Barnfield, Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean for Administration (ebarnfie@gmu.edu)
- College of Public Health: Jennifer Sturgis, Administrative Assistant (jsturgis@gmu.edu)
- College of Humanities and Social Sciences: Jenna McGwin, Associate Director for Operations and Initiatives (jmcgwin@gmu.edu)
- College of Humanities and Social Sciences: Joan Mlotkowski, Human Resources Coordinator (jmlotkow@gmu.edu)
- College of Science: Stephanie Ann Flores, Human Resources Project Manager (sflore5@gmu.edu)
- College of Visual and Performing Arts: Jaimie Appleton, Administrative Assistant (jappleto@gmu.edu)
- Honors College: Andy Hoefer, Assistant Dean (ahoefer@gmu.edu)
- INTO Mason: Kim Ford, Director of Academic Personnel Management (kford3@gmu.edu)
- Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution: Mercedes Allsop, Administrative Assistant (mallsop@gmu.edu)
- Mason Korea: Keira Lee, Associate Manager of Faculty Affairs (ylee77@gmu.edu)
- Office of the Provost: Kim Ford, Director of Academic Personnel Management (kford3@gmu.edu)
- Office of the Provost: Andrea Reeves, Senior Personnel Operations Manager (areeves5@gmu.edu)
- Schar School of Policy and Government: Chris Anclien, Director of Human Resources (canclien@gmu.edu)
- Costello College of Business: Kevin Ford, Senior Human Resources Specialist (kford2@gmu.edu)
- University Libraries: Wally Grotophorst, Associate University Librarian (wallyg@gmu.edu)
Implementation Goals
The Mason FACTs' plan for collaborative implementation:
- Implement RPT in an intentional, systematic, and supported process.
- Develop program management plans for both tools that engage all relevant members of the campus community in a deliberately phased process.
- Identify and support training needs across all stakeholders.
- Support integration of tools with George Mason faculty profiles on School/College and LAU/departmental websites.
- Adoption of tools to support George Mason's reaffirmation of accreditation by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS-COC).