Mason FACTs FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can I contact for RPT Tool access, support, and training?

System Access and Training

For Review, Promotion, and Tenure tool user access and training contact Mason FACTs.

Technical Questions and Support

For Review, Promotion, and Tenure tool technical support or post-training questions related to how to use the system, mechanical errors, etc. contact or call 1(877)997-8870.

Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure Requirements

For questions related to faculty reappointment, renewal, promotion, and tenure requirements contact the Director of Academic Personnel Management.

What are the benefits of the RPT tool?

Interfolio's Review, Promotion, and Tenure content management system is a flexible, committee-friendly engine for conducting academic professional reviews online.

  • Virtual committee collaboration and controlled review access within one secure, configurable and online platform
  • Automated, consistent, standardized, and transparent casebook workflows
  • Single, paperless submission of casebook materials
  • Status tracking of multiple dossiers through multiple stages of review

When will my unit transition to Mason FACTs?

The Mason FACTs launch for both RPT and F180 will occur in an intentional, systematic, and supported process. Adoption of tools will occur in time for the reaffirmation of university accreditation by SACS-COC. 

Leadership teams for Mason FACTs will be developing project management plans for both tools that engage all relevant members of the campus community in a deliberately phased process. Once finalized, we will be reaching out for volunteers and/or volunteer units to pilot and give feedback on the systems prior to full implementation. There will be extensive trainings offered as part of this process. 

Why this investment in Interfolio now?

As George Mason University matures as a multifaceted public research university, the need to invest in systems that facilitate the work of our faculty, programs, and institution as a whole becomes more critical. We must be able to promote faculty expertise and academic programs to prospective students, various university stakeholders, and the broader community.

Interfolio is an enhanced "faculty-first" higher education technology that offers a digital and holistic platform for faculty information. Interfolio supports the full lifecycle of faculty work in an online platform.

How was Interfolio selected?

Interfolio was selected through a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process, after demonstrating the following strengths:

  • Experience and understanding of R1 university renewal, promotion, and tenure processes and accreditation 
  • Capacity to satisfy institutional needs and uphold George Mason's commitment to centric beta testing and associated assessments
  • Ability to provide superior support throughout the planning, implementation, and maintenance phases 

The RFP process involved campus representatives and stakeholders that included: Communications and Marketing, Faculty and Faculty Senate, Human Resources and Payroll, Information Technology Services, Office of the Provost, Research Council, and academic unit leadership and support.

How can I merge my Interfolio Dossier accounts?

Users may end up with multiple Interfolio accounts as a result of working at a previous institution(s), applying to various positions, as well as being a letter writer. This tool has been designed to let users self-merge their multiple accounts.

Learn more about how to merge Interfolio Dossier accounts.

How is faculty information protected in Interfolio?

All users are authenticated via Duo Security to deliver Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) using George Mason University's single sign-on (SSO) credentials.

At the server level, all administrative access is protected via multi-factor authentication. All traffic between Interfolio servers and the public internet is forced over HTTPS. Data is encrypted at rest and in transit.

Interfolio servers run in a virtual private cloud. All web, application, and database servers are separated from the public Internet and have no public IP address. Private IP addresses are never disclosed to the Internet.