Tenure-line Faculty Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure

George Mason University’s tenure-line faculty are central to our success in growing our R1 status and ensuring high-quality learning experiences.

George Mason’s strategic vision is ambitious, seeking to achieve what few institutions have accomplished. Our goals include both strengthening our reputation as a high-caliber research-intensive institution, while simultaneously expanding our access to excellence through continuing to serve a highly diverse student population. Meeting these seemingly contradictory goals requires bold thinking about how we recruit, retain, and support all of our faculty communities.

Supporting tenure-line faculty going up for renewal, promotion, and tenure is key. Strengthening an environment that values faculty members’ work and contributions to George Mason’s teaching and scholarly communities, and our national reputation, is a fundamental to sustaining a thriving community.

To support George Mason’s renewal, promotion, and tenure processes, we have invested in Interfolio’s Review, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) content management system. This RPT tool automates existing workflows and processes for tenure-line faculty renewal, promotion, and tenure into a unified content management system. This streamlines the RPT experience for candidates and reviewers at all levels within one secure and configurable system. Additional details can be found at Mason FACTs.

Guidance for Third Year Renewal

Faculty members who are starting a tenure-line appointment are normally hired with an initial three-year probationary appointment. In accordance with the Faculty Handbook (section 2.7.2), candidates in their third year of the initial appointment must be evaluated for renewal.

Candidates are responsible for creating a dossier documenting performance/achievements in teaching and mentoring; in research, scholarship, and creative work; and in service. This dossier is reviewed by Local Academic Unit [LAU] faculty, the LAU administrator, the dean, and the Provost. Note that external review letters are not required for third year review.

Below is the Office of the Provost timeline for third year renewal. All candidates are strongly encouraged to reach out to their LAU heads for specific information about timelines and submission deadlines.

Faculty members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the guidance for 3rd year renewal outlined in the Faculty Handbook. Click here to see Office of the Provost Guidance for Genuine Excellence in Teaching for Tenure-line Faculty.

For additional information, please visit Supporting Efforts to Document and Assess Teaching and Learning


Guidance for Promotion and/or Tenure

In accordance with section of the Faculty Handbook, faculty members in their sixth year of service on probationary appointment must stand for tenure at that time if they wish to retain their position after the expiration of the current contract. Earlier consideration is possible, and faculty members are encouraged to discuss this decision with their chair/LAU head. Self-nomination is permitted.

Candidates are responsible for creating a dossier documenting performance/achievements in teaching and mentoring; in research, scholarship, and creative work; and in service. This dossier is reviewed internally by Local Academic Unit [LAU] faculty, the LAU administrator, the dean, and the Provost. External review of the quality and impact of a candidate’s achievements in research, scholarship, and creative work is also required. 

Faculty members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the guidance for promotion and/or tenure outlined in the Faculty Handbook.


Demonstration of Teaching 

Effective teaching is demonstrated through a combination of course and curricular materials, learning outcomes, assignments, and assessments designed to promote student learning; through review of those materials, outcomes, assignments, and assessments by knowledgeable peers and colleagues; through student evaluations of their learning experiences; and through engaging in professional/teaching development activities.

Faculty members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the guidance for 3rd year renewal outlined in the Faculty Handbook. Visit the Provost's Office Guidance for Genuine Excellence in Teaching for Tenure-line Faculty to learn more.

For additional information, please visit Supporting Efforts to Document and Assess Teaching and Learning


Demonstration of Institutional and Professional Engagement

Engagement at all levels of the institution and in the professional discipline will be given positive weight in personnel decisions. This engagement might take the form of service and leadership; of engagement in professional development to enhance the student learning experience or other benefits to students and the LAU; and/or of research and scholarship activities. Each LAU will make known in a timely manner its expectations for institutional and professional engagement, within the context of the promotion framework outlined above.


Demonstration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work 

The area of focus for some term faculty members is research and scholarship. Scholarly achievement can be demonstrated by original publications and peer-reviewed contributions to the advancement of the discipline/field of student or of interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary questions. It can also be demonstrated by original research, artistic work, software and media, exhibitions, and performance; and by the application of discipline- or field-based knowledge to the practice of a profession.


Demonstration of Leadership/ Administrative Responsibilities (if applicable)

Leadership and administrative responsibilities include the agreed-upon performance goals, as well as any new initiatives, opportunities, or projects that emerged that were not part of the original agreed-upon performance goals during the contract period(s). Term faculty should provide documentation to demonstrate that their contributions in this area fully meet the standards specified by the LAU and make a positive contribution.


Compliance, Diversity, and Ethics Requirements

Study Leaves