Results of the COACHE Faculty Satisfaction Survey are available to all full-time faculty and staff. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning (OIEP) are data administrators for the project and hold the survey results.
Faculty are at the heart of our academic enterprise. Our success depends on our ability to attract, retain, and support talented faculty. Our ongoing commitment to the COACHE initiative provides key data to inform our efforts and investments in faculty success.
Our Partnership with COACHE
The George Mason COACHE partnership prioritizes our commitment to faculty and their satisfaction at George Mason University. The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education is a national, research-based initiative designed specifically to understand the job satisfaction of instructional and research faculty.
George Mason began our partnership with COACHE in 2018, administering the survey twice (2019, 2022). With strong response rates in both iterations, the results from COACHE allowed us to focus on areas of growth around promotion and tenure, recognition and appreciation, support for interdisciplinary work, faculty mentoring, and salary and compensation.
The COACHE partnership helps George Mason to:
- Collect comprehensive data that drills down into areas that impact satisfaction and productivity;
- Benchmark results to and learn from peer institutions to design effective programs, policies and practices to facilitate organizational change and improve faculty outcomes;
- Develop a more robust picture of faculty retention; and
- Create and measure the impact of Mason-specific action plans to intentionally strengthen faculty well-being and success.