Critical Dates

Remembering important dates and staying on top of deadlines is an ongoing challenge in any academic community.

Planning out your workflow is essential. We have provided a general listing of major dates, planning benchmarks, and deadlines below. Please keep in mind that some deadlines may vary from year to year, and that individual departments may include additional processes and deadlines that may impact your planning.


Ongoing Activities

Stay on Top of your Budget

Monthly reconciliation is required. If you have budgetary responsibility, please meet with your office budget manager regularly to monitor and reconcile accounts.

Ensure your Faculty are Getting Feedback and Support

It is recommended that each academic unit offer consistent peer reviews to provide feedback for faculty in support of their teaching and learning. Early career faculty, new adjunct faculty, and GTAs will all benefit greatly from mentoring and feedback.

Be Familiar with Hiring Practices and Policies

Faculty Hiring

Graduate Student Hiring

Keep up to date with unit needs for current and upcoming Class Scheduling and Staffing


Activities throughout the Academic Year

Typical department chair activities are described below. Keep in mind that individual colleges and departments may have additional duties assigned to the department chair role.



  • Strongly encourage your new full-time faculty and postdocs to attend the Provost's Office New Faculty Orientation.
  • Strongly encourage your adjunct faculty to attend the Adjunct Faculty Success Workshop.
  • Ensure that your GTAs, new and returning, are connected with their faculty to share ideas and become aware of any new policies.
  • Create opportunities for your incoming students, undergraduate and graduate, to make connections and learn about your local academic unit culture.

New Hires

Faculty Personnel Evaluation

  • Ensure that all faculty members understand where to find the most recent version of the annual review guidelines and timeline.
  • Put the relevant deadlines for annual review, term faculty reappointment, renewal, promotion, and tenure on your AY calendar. For more information see the Faculty Appointments page on the Office of the Provost website.

Promotion and Tenure

  • External review letters due to department

Class Scheduling and Staffing

  • Finalize staffing for fall classes


Reappointment, Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure (RRPT)

  • Begin reviews of cases, both term and tenure-line
  • Ensure that all candidates for RRPT have the required peer reviews

Faculty Recognition


Reappointment, Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure (RRPT)

  • Continue reviews of cases, both term and tenure-line
  • Ensure that all candidates for RRPT have the required peer reviews

Faculty Recognition


Reappointment, Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure (RRPT)

  • Faculty vote on relevant promotion and tenure cases
  • Generally, chair letters for promotion and tenure are due to dean’s office (please see your college/school guidelines for specific dates)
  • Ensure that committees and processes are organized for third-year renewal candidates
  • Ensure that all candidates for third-year renewal have the required peer reviews

Faculty Recognition


Reappointment, Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure (RRPT)

  • As needed, let instructional term faculty know about hiring and reappointment decisions
  • Finalize committee reviews and processes for third-year renewal candidates (please see your college/school guidelines for specific dates)

Faculty Recognition

  • Consider sending your faculty and staff a note of congratulations for finishing up the semester and wishing them a restful break
  • Consider nominating your outstanding faculty for a Presidential Award of Excellence

Class Scheduling and Staffing

  • Examine schedule / staffing needs and begin hiring for summer and fall terms


Class Scheduling and Staffing

  • Finalize staffing spring classes

Reappointment, Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure (RRPT)

  • Generally, chair letters for third-year renewal are due to dean’s office (please see your college/school guidelines for specific dates)

Staff and A/P Faculty Evaluation/Performance Appraisal

  • The annual cycle is April 1-March 31. See communications from Human Resources and note the relevant deadlines for your calendar.



  • Review your budgets and ensure that you are on track with expected spending for the FY and adjust as needed
  • Review Fiscal Services' Year End Deadlines

Reappointment, Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure (RRPT)

  • Confirm that all deadlines have been met and take any additional actions, as needed

Staff and A/P Faculty Evaluation/Performance Appraisal

  • The annual cycle is April 1-March 31. See communications from Human Resources to ensure completion of review by deadlines.


Staff Evaluation/Performance Appraisal

  • The annual cycle is April 1-March 31. See communications from Human Resources to ensure completion of review by deadlines.

Unit Governance

  • Review and take any actions on faculty and staff committee assignments for upcoming AY
  • Identify cases for reappointment, third-year renewal, promotion and tenure in the upcoming academic year


Reappointment, Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure (RRPT)

  • Confirm cases for reappointment, third-year renewal, promotion and tenure in the upcoming year within your unit  
  • Confirm identification and outreach to external reviewers 
  • Prep faculty for the upcoming cycle

Class Scheduling and Staffing

  • Finalize staffing for summer classes (as needed)

Faculty Recognition

  • A reminder that the George Mason Teaching Excellence Awards ceremony is held every April. All academic leaders are encouraged to attend, particularly if you have award winners.


Reappointment, Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure (RRPT)

  • Outreach to Dean’s Office to confirm cases for reappointment, third-year renewal, promotion and tenure in the upcoming year

  • Finalize external reviewers  


  • Make sure to review your budget and budget targets for any final adjustments, if needed

Faculty Recognition

  • A reminder that the George Mason Celebration of Student Scholarship is held every May. All academic leaders are encouraged to attend, particularly if you have Faculty Mentoring Excellence Award recipients or Student Award recipients
  • Consider sending your faculty and staff a note of congratulations for finishing up the semester and wishing them a restful break 


While there will be some issues that require your attention, summer is a time to replenish and focus on projects that support your personal and professional goals.

Class Scheduling and Staffing

NOTE: End of Fiscal Year – June 30th


While there will be some issues that require your attention, summer is a time to replenish and focus on projects that support your personal and professional goals.

Class Scheduling and Staffing