Support for Leadership

Mason Essentials for Academic Leadership

The Office of Faculty Affairs and Development hosts the Mason Essentials for Academic Leadership (MEAL) program twice each academic year for department chairs and local academic unit (LAU) leaders to learn more about their roles and responsibilities.

The goals of the program include:

  • Provide academic leaders with an introduction and update on common issues, crucial information, and key resources to help them acclimate to their roles
  • Build a community of practice for information sharing, problem solving, and support
  • Equip leaders with strategies to address real-time issues
  • Address the need to provide intentional support and resources for academic leaders, specifically department chairs and LAU administrators

Academic Leader

Faculty Affairs and Development has an institutional membership to Academic Leader, from Magna Publications, which has resources that may be of use to department chairs and LAU leaders. Please create an account in order to access this subscription.

Contact Us

For more information or assistance, contact the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.