Contact the Director of Academic Personnel Management |
Kimberly Ford Director of Academic Personnel Management, 3100 Alan and Sally Merten Hall, Ffx, MSN: 3A2 Email: |
Faculty Appointment Classifications and Appointment Procedures
General Personnel Information
- Office of Human Resources
- Faculty Retirement Transition Leave
- Supplemental Pay Procedures
- Dual Career Policy
- Transcript Release for Employment Purposes Form
- New employees who are graduates of George Mason University should send the completed form to for processing.
- Adjunct and Graduate Teaching Assistants should send the completed form to their hiring unit for processing.
- Faculty Recruitment Tips and Tools
Faculty Processes for Academic Year 2024-2025
- Third-Year Renewal, Promotion and/or Tenure Schedule for AY 2024-2025
- Term Faculty Promotion with a Multi-Year Appointment Schedule for AY 2024-2025
- Term Faculty Single or Multi-Year Appointment Schedule for AY 2024-2025
NEW! Promotion Base Salary Increase
Beginning with the academic year 2024-2025 cases, successful promotion cases will receive a 10% base salary increase which become effective August 25, 2025 (9-month) or June 10, 2025 (12-month).
For faculty appointments with additional administrative assignment, please contact the Director of Academic Personnel Management in the Office of the Provost.
Please see Graduate Student Appointments for information on appointments specific to graduate students.
Establishing a new position or recruiting for a vacant position:
Step 1: Initiate the process for all faculty appointments by submitting a position description through PageUp Position Management System to request a new or vacant position review. Contact Human Resources Classification and Compensation for guidance.
Step 2: Contact Human Resources Talent Acquisition for guidance on searching for a candidate through the PageUp Applicant Tracking System tool.
Step 3: Once a candidate is selected, complete the faculty hiring proposal in the Request Tracking System (RTS) - Faculty Hiring Proposal workflow for creation of offer letter, routing for review/approvals, and presenting the offer letter to the candidate. The system is designed for the candidate to accept/execute the contract and return for processing.
This workflow is used for all benefitted Instructional/Research/Clinical Faculty, Administrative/Professional Faculty, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, and Research Staff.
For complete instructions on how to use the RTS Faculty Hiring Proposal workflow, please refer to the Training tab in the RTS System.
Reference Videos:
Quick Reference Sheets:
- Administrative/Professional Faculty
- Clinical Faculty
- Tenured Instructional Faculty
- Tenure-Track Instructional Faculty
- Term Instructional Faculty
- Research Faculty
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Research Staff
Faculty Appointments
Tenure-Track Faculty
Renewal Appointment
- Procedures for Tenure-Track Renewal – see Section 2.7.2 of the George Mason University Faculty Handbook
- Renewal of Tenure-Track Appointment Offer Letter
- Tenure-Track Study Leave Request - see section 3.6.1 of the George Mason University Faculty Handbook
- Tenure-Track Contract Extension – see section 2.7.4 of the George Mason University Faculty Handbook
- Tenure-Track Contract Extension Due to Extraordinary Circumstances
- Tenure-Track Contract Extension Template
Promotion and Tenure
- Guidelines for External Referees
- Recommended Criteria for Evaluating Genuine Excellence in Teaching
- Appealing a Promotion, Tenure, and Renewal Decision
Additional Assignments
- Instructional Faculty Overload Assignment Offer Letter
- Summer Term Faculty Teaching Assignment Offer Letter (Used for all full-time, nine-month instructional faculty teaching summer courses.)
Tenured Faculty
Initial Appointment
- Submission of Transcripts and Related Materials
- Procedural Checklist for New Faculty Appointments to Tenured (without term) Positions
- Guidelines for External Referees
- Recommended Criteria for Evaluating Genuine Excellence in Teaching
- Appealing a Promotion, Tenure, and Renewal Decision
Additional Assignments
- Tenured Faculty Appointment with Additional Assignments Contract Template
- Instructional Faculty Overload Assignment Offer Letter
- Summer Term Faculty Teaching Assignment Offer Letter (Used for all full-time, nine-month instructional faculty teaching summer courses.)
- Leave Program for Instructional Faculty
- Faculty must be tenured or on a term multi-year contract with six years of service at Mason, and have completed six years of such service since a previous study leave.
- This six-year period includes time spent on leave of absence, unless such leave includes time worked at another agency or institution, in which case an exception must be approved and granted by the Vice President for Research.
- An applicant may apply in Year 6 for a study leave in Year 7 (with Year 1 being the first year back from the completed study leave).
- Individuals whose rank is prefixed with Affiliate, Adjunct, Research, or Visiting are not eligible.
- See section 3.6.2 of the Faculty Handbook for more information.
- Faculty must be tenured or on a term multi-year contract with six years of service at Mason, and have completed six years of such service since a previous study leave.
Term Instructional Faculty
Subsequent Term Appointments
- Recommended Criteria for Evaluating Genuine Excellence in Teaching
- Procedures for Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion of Term Faculty – see Section 2.7 of the George Mason University Faculty Handbook
- Additional Term – Full-Time Term Appointment Contract
- Additional Term – Full-Time Term Appointment Contract additional assignment
- Additional Term – Part-Time Term Contract
Promotion of Term Faculty
Additional Assignments
- Instructional Faculty Overload Assignment Offer Letter
- Summer Term Faculty Teaching Assignment Offer Letter (Used for all full-time, nine-month instructional faculty teaching summer courses.)
- Additional Assignment Letter Template (with Supervisor’s acknowledgement block)
Term Research Faculty
Subsequent Term Appointments
- Procedures for Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion of Term Faculty – see Section 2.7.1 of the George Mason University Faculty Handbook
- Additional Term – Full-Time Term Appointment Contract
- Additional Term – Full-Time Term Appointment Contract with an additional assignment
- Additional Term – Part-Time Term Contract
Promotion of Term Faculty
Additional Assignments
Adjunct Faculty
Note: Adjunct faculty are hired through pooled position numbers. It is not necessary to obtain a unique position number in order to hire an adjunct faculty member.
- NEW! Adjunct Faculty Salary Matrix-AY 2024-2025
- Recommended Criteria for Evaluating Genuine Excellence in Teaching
- Submission of Transcripts and Related Materials
- Adjunct Faculty Appointment Contract
- Multi Courses Adjunct Faculty Appointment Offer Letter
- Summer Term Adjunct Appointment Offer Letter
Administrative/Professional Faculty
Affiliate Faculty Appointments (Internal and External)
- Affiliate Appointment Process - submit a request through the Request Tracking System (RTS) - Affiliate Faculty Status workflow
- See section 2.1.7 Affiliate Faculty in the George Mason University Faculty Handbook
- For complete instructions on how to use the RTS Affiliate Faculty Status workflow, please refer to the Training tab in the RTS System.
Emeritus Faculty Appointments
To request Emeritus Faculty status for a faculty member who meets the requirements stated in the faculty handbook, the academic unit submits a packet to the Provost’s office for review.
The packet should contain the following:
- Recommendation Letters from the Academic Unit that details evidence for outstanding dedication to the university. The recommendation can come from a Chair or a Committee within the Local Academic Unit.
- A memo from the dean, limited to one page only, the provides a brief history of the faculty member’s qualifications and the dean’s recommendation. (see the “Emeritus Memo Template 2021”)
- This memo is submitted to the board of visitors as support documentation, please do not refer to any other documents in the memo.
The packet is reviewed by the Provost and then the President. Once approved, a copy is sent back to the unit, and it will be an action item in the BOV Meeting to be voted on.
When the board approves, the candidate will receive a notification from the Board of Visitors.
Submit packets to
The following benefits are conferred with Emeritus status:
- Retiree Perks and Privileges
- Access to the Emeriti Faculty Research Room in Fenwick Library
- Special invitations from the President’s Office for events
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Governing Policy
Subsequent Term Appointment
Additional Assignments
Research Staff
Governing Policy
Subsequent Term Appointment
Additional Assignments

Academic recruitment is a complex endeavor. Mason deploys a number of solutions for talent acquisition.